
Adventures and Walking – What does Mandy Jo offer?

In this video are all the current services that Mandy Jo offers:

Monday’s with Mandy Jo 8:00 pm ET https://mandyjo.live/video
Exercise with Mandy Jo https://mandyjo.live/exercise
Bewitching Exercise Challenge https://mandyjo.live/Bewitching2020
Monster Smash Walking Challenge https://mandyjo.live/MonsterSmash2020
Walking Group Training https://mandyjo.live/GroupCoaching
Coach Mandy Jo’s Training App https://mandyjo.live/coaching

What is a Virtual Walking Challenge?

What is a Virtual Walking Challenge?

Where does it take place?

How do I get my time tracked?

Do I get stuff?

Do I get a medal?

In this video I will explain to you what a virtual walking challenge is.

Give me a


and I’ll send you information on my Monster Smash Walking Challenge.

Join me on Monday at 8:00 pm ET

Click that Get Reminder button and sprinkle amongst your peeps!

5 Tips to Keep You Walking on the Safe Side of the Trail During Any Season!

Whoa, there was almost an accident on the trail!

Wait, what? Did that just happen?

Did you know that there is trail etiquette?

In this video you will receive 5 tips to keep you walking on the safe side of the trail during any season.

Have you been out walking and then gotten startled or startled someone else?

Have you had close encounters with vehicles or been in a vehicle that has had close encounters with people?

As a walker I know you want to get your workout in, but you want to stay safe too.

Give me a


And I’ll send you 4 Steps to Starting a Walking Program via messenger.

If you know of someone that might benefit from this information, please feel free to let them know about it.

Click on the Get Reminder button!

I’ll see you on Monday at 8:00 pm ET!

Mental and Physical Benefits of Walking

  • You are tired of sitting and watching tv!
  • You miss the gym!
  • You may or may not go back to the gym!
  • You don’t know where to begin!
  • You’ve done something similar before, but…
  • You want to have more energy
  • You want to feel better about yourself
  • You want to meet new people similar to you
  • You want to travel!

Mental Benefits of Walking

  • Lowers stress and anxiety
  • Reduce brain fog and improve creativity
  • Slow down mental decline and lower Alzheimer’s risk

Physical Benefits of Walking

  • Improved circulation
  • Strengthen muscles and support your joints
  • Improved breathing and sleep

Additional Benefits of Walking

  • Seeing new sights


Are you ready to go walking?

Will you really do this on your own?

You may be stuck feeling like you want support in making this happen.

Adventures and Walking is the answer!

Where to workout?

Where to workout?

Which gym or no gym?

As things are moving in the direction of normal, we are posed with the question of where to work out.

What fits into your schedule as a busy woman?

In this video I’ll give you 5 places to work out


Online – recorded

Gym – unmanned or manned

Specialized gym – yoga, pilates, karate, bootcamp, cycling

What did you do before COVID? Were you a gym member? Will you go back to the gym? 

Let’s sort them out!

The first one we’ll talk about it the gym that is manned.

What do I mean by that?

You walk into the gym and there is always someone there. You see trainers there all the time. So, no matter when you have a question about the equipment or a class, there is someone to ask. 

They always have lots of equipment and normally classes you can sign up for. Life Time Fitness, Planet Fitness, PowerHouse, LA Fitness are nationwide chains and then you can get some really nice local gyms that are manned. We have one not too far called Great Lakes Athletic Club and it is on par with the LifeTime’s and LA Fitness clubs.

Now we have the gym that is unmanned.

Generally these are your 24 hour gyms that are really cheap: Snap Fitness and Anytime Fitness

These places do have staff, they just aren’t there the entire time someone is in the gym. You can go there and end up being the only one in the gym – literally. Now for some people, this is awesome.

The specialized gym is where I put all the yoga studios, pilates, martial arts, boxing, bootcamp, etc.

These are great when you have one particular format that you want to focus on. Generally you are signing up for a specific number of sessions/lessons/classes.

Now we are going to move on to the online classes, which are recorded. For this category think your exercise apps or DVD’s. I know the DVD’s are moving out of the space, but some people still do use them. There are a lot of apps or classes you can find on websites that have been recorded. You can also go onto YouTube and take classes.

Finally, to the one that I have enjoyed the most and that is online classes that are live. You get the interaction but you are in your own location. I have done these either via Zoom, Facebook Live or YouTube Live.

You can join me for my Facebook Live or YouTube Live exercise classes that are currently being offered Monday thru Thursday at 8:30 am ET. Now, you can always join in and watch them any other time of day because while I am doing them live they are being recorded.

Let’s review.

Where to workout at? What are your choices? How do you know?

  1. Gyms – manned
  2. Gyms – unmanned
  3. Specialized Gyms
  4. Online/Offline – recorded
  5. Online – live

Which one is best for you? What do you feel safe doing?

I will be live right here on my business on Monday’s at 8:00 pm ET next Monday we have a special kick off our walking program with the mental and physical benefits of walking.

In my Exercise with Mandy Jo private Facebook group Monday thru Thursday at 8:30 am ET

I am Mandy Jo and help busy women over 40 get fit through walking and exercise.

Keep Moving Forward!

Don’t have enough time in your day to exercise?

In this video I’ll give you 3 tips to enable to put more exercise into your day **without** the gym.

As a busy woman I know you may feel like you do not have any extra time to exercise, but I promise that once you implement these 3 easy steps, you’ll have more energy and feel so much better!

(We’re knockin’ out those excuses!)

I am Mandy Jo and help busy women over 40 get fit through walking and exercise.

I’d exercise but…..


Do these graphics pop up in your head?

Gotta shop, eat, snack, work, time?

What can you do?

Three ways you can squeeze in exercise in your already busy schedule.

  1. When parking, park further away from the door.

Have you ever seen people fight over parking spaces or circling for an open space?  No one fights over the spaces at the back and there are more open!

  1. Standing in line for anything, walk in place, move your arms.  Don’t just stand there.
  1. While you are watching the news or any other program, get up during each commercial and walk around your home or wherever you are staying.

Who watches Netflix?  Let me know your favorite show to watch on Netflix, mine is a variety of shows like Blue Bloods, NCIS, Heartland, When Calls the Heart and West Wing.

If you are watching Netflix or any other commercial free movie or show, set your alarm for 15 minutes and get up and walk around.  The next 15 minutes when it goes off, then do jumping jacks.  Pick a different exercise for every 15 minutes.

10 Benefits of Walking

Today’s Facebook Live was about 10 benefits of walking. There are more that could have been covered. Just get up and start moving!  Here are the 10 benefits:

  1. Burn Calories

Burning calories will have a few variables. The faster you walk, the better your body will burn calories. Add to that some hills and go for a while and you will have some serious calorie burn. However, don’t just get up off the couch and speed your way out the door and up some hills. This is going to take some time. Start out slow and work your way up in speed, distance and hills. 

2. Strengthen your Heart

You can reduce your risk of coronary heart disease by walking just 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. As you continue to increase your walking you will strengthen your heart even more.

3. Eases Joint Pain

When you are walking you are doing a few things, first you are lubricating the knee joints, secondly you are improving your blood flow and you strengthening the muscles around your knees. So, the more you walk, the easier your joints move and less pain.

4. Boosts your Immunity

It’s a great way to stay healthy.  Exercising for just 30 to 45 minutes a day will increase the amount of immune system cells in your body. You can get more details at this article: https://www.jonbarron.org/article/walk-away-colds

5. Boost your Energy

Walking also increases your oxygen flow which also helps increase your hormones. Instead of reaching for an energy drink or cup of coffee, put on your shoes and get out there and walk.  Even if you are just walking around your home or office, it will help you instead of doing too much sitting on the couch or in front of a computer.

6. Tone your Legs

The one thing that people are looking for when starting any exercise program is to lose weight. However, that scale can be deceiving.  You can tone up your legs and not see the scale move. However, your clothes will fit better.

7. Improve your Mood

Walking is shown to reduce anxiety, depression and even a negative mood. I know that I find I am in a better mood after I am done walking, no matter what the pace. I also find it improves my mood even more so when I walk with a friend. We walk and talk and get all those thoughts out. It’s amazing how having a friend to walk with and vent will improve your mood for the day.

8. Creative Thinking

Yes, walking will get your creative mind going, whether it’s personal or business. If you have writer’s block, go for a walk. It will help you to be able to think things through. While you are walking do NOT answer your phone! If you need to, record your thoughts, especially if it’s something you want to write about when you get back to your computer. If you do bring along the phone, only use the recording and picture taking features. These will help for later on.

9. Help you Sleep Better

What keeps you up at night? Stress? Pain? By walking on a regular basis you will lower your stress level and your pain level. You also increase your energy level during the day along with your body temperature. Then at night your body is more willing to rest and let you sleep. 

10. Help you Obtain Other Goals

You have just successfully implemented a new routine with adding in walking into your daily routine. This has boosted your health and your creativity. It will also help you obtain other goals because you have boosted your mood and your confidence. 

Are you ready to get walking? I can help you achieve your goals through walking, find out how HERE.

Walk With Mandy Jo in 2020

Is your goal for 2020 to do a 5K or a half marathon? Where do you start? Which one? What do you do? How do you make it happen?

Mandy Jo is putting together a travel and walking package for 2020, actually, there will be two of them. The first one is to participate in the Country Music Half Marathon or 5K. This will take place April 23rd thru 27th. The races take place on April 25th. The second race is to participate in the Great Smoky Mountains Half Marathon or 5K. Mark your calendar for September 10th thru 14th. There will be 3 prices – half marathon, 5K and cheerleader available for both races.

Included in your vacation package will be a training schedule, hotel, race entry, some meals, and vacation activities.

Details, pricing and sign up coming soon. Be sure to subscribe to this page to get updated.