
10 Benefits of Walking

Today’s Facebook Live was about 10 benefits of walking. There are more that could have been covered. Just get up and start moving!  Here are the 10 benefits:

  1. Burn Calories

Burning calories will have a few variables. The faster you walk, the better your body will burn calories. Add to that some hills and go for a while and you will have some serious calorie burn. However, don’t just get up off the couch and speed your way out the door and up some hills. This is going to take some time. Start out slow and work your way up in speed, distance and hills. 

2. Strengthen your Heart

You can reduce your risk of coronary heart disease by walking just 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. As you continue to increase your walking you will strengthen your heart even more.

3. Eases Joint Pain

When you are walking you are doing a few things, first you are lubricating the knee joints, secondly you are improving your blood flow and you strengthening the muscles around your knees. So, the more you walk, the easier your joints move and less pain.

4. Boosts your Immunity

It’s a great way to stay healthy.  Exercising for just 30 to 45 minutes a day will increase the amount of immune system cells in your body. You can get more details at this article: https://www.jonbarron.org/article/walk-away-colds

5. Boost your Energy

Walking also increases your oxygen flow which also helps increase your hormones. Instead of reaching for an energy drink or cup of coffee, put on your shoes and get out there and walk.  Even if you are just walking around your home or office, it will help you instead of doing too much sitting on the couch or in front of a computer.

6. Tone your Legs

The one thing that people are looking for when starting any exercise program is to lose weight. However, that scale can be deceiving.  You can tone up your legs and not see the scale move. However, your clothes will fit better.

7. Improve your Mood

Walking is shown to reduce anxiety, depression and even a negative mood. I know that I find I am in a better mood after I am done walking, no matter what the pace. I also find it improves my mood even more so when I walk with a friend. We walk and talk and get all those thoughts out. It’s amazing how having a friend to walk with and vent will improve your mood for the day.

8. Creative Thinking

Yes, walking will get your creative mind going, whether it’s personal or business. If you have writer’s block, go for a walk. It will help you to be able to think things through. While you are walking do NOT answer your phone! If you need to, record your thoughts, especially if it’s something you want to write about when you get back to your computer. If you do bring along the phone, only use the recording and picture taking features. These will help for later on.

9. Help you Sleep Better

What keeps you up at night? Stress? Pain? By walking on a regular basis you will lower your stress level and your pain level. You also increase your energy level during the day along with your body temperature. Then at night your body is more willing to rest and let you sleep. 

10. Help you Obtain Other Goals

You have just successfully implemented a new routine with adding in walking into your daily routine. This has boosted your health and your creativity. It will also help you obtain other goals because you have boosted your mood and your confidence. 

Are you ready to get walking? I can help you achieve your goals through walking, find out how HERE.

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