
Don’t have enough time in your day to exercise?

In this video I’ll give you 3 tips to enable to put more exercise into your day **without** the gym.

As a busy woman I know you may feel like you do not have any extra time to exercise, but I promise that once you implement these 3 easy steps, you’ll have more energy and feel so much better!

(We’re knockin’ out those excuses!)

I am Mandy Jo and help busy women over 40 get fit through walking and exercise.

I’d exercise but…..


Do these graphics pop up in your head?

Gotta shop, eat, snack, work, time?

What can you do?

Three ways you can squeeze in exercise in your already busy schedule.

  1. When parking, park further away from the door.

Have you ever seen people fight over parking spaces or circling for an open space?  No one fights over the spaces at the back and there are more open!

  1. Standing in line for anything, walk in place, move your arms.  Don’t just stand there.
  1. While you are watching the news or any other program, get up during each commercial and walk around your home or wherever you are staying.

Who watches Netflix?  Let me know your favorite show to watch on Netflix, mine is a variety of shows like Blue Bloods, NCIS, Heartland, When Calls the Heart and West Wing.

If you are watching Netflix or any other commercial free movie or show, set your alarm for 15 minutes and get up and walk around.  The next 15 minutes when it goes off, then do jumping jacks.  Pick a different exercise for every 15 minutes.